Monday, January 11, 2010

Swears and runt.

Warning, this post will contain many swears.
And i mean fucking many.


Fuck it man.
It's so fucking stupid of me to get this fucking shit results.
Like so fucking hell retarded.

And what the fuck am i doing during the O levels?
Fucking playing RUNESCAPE DURING THE WHOLE FUCKING EXAMS while everyone is fucking studying like some stupid shit bags.
Fags get so fucking high even when they study like fucking retarded people.
Shit Cambridge.


So as i were saying.
I didn't get what i really wanted.
Yes i targeted a 25 because i got 34 on prelims.
But thinking about it again, what course can i get on a 25?

So on today itself, before i get the results, i hoped for a 15, and guess what?
I got a fucking 22.
Man, now what course should i go to?
I'm so going to Ngee Ann poly because it's not only close to my P. school, i got lots of friends there so it will be convenient to be there.
I got alot of SP friends as well, so it will be tough to decide.

I got 5points for english, like DUDE, 60% of my class passed english.
That's like so fucking lucky!

And shit that teacher for giving me that sad face when i got 22.
Fuck that.
Fuck this.

Now i have to choose some courses.
I don't like any.
So i'll stick to some courses that got most friends out of it.

Pfft, and if i didn't play that FUCKING RUNESCAPE, i would have gotten like 15.

I was playing Black-jack.
I got two cards. 7 and 5.
Hit me.
I got a king.
Total: 22.
I lost.

On other note, i would like to thank God for giving me this chance to work hard in a poly of my choice. Thankyou.

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