Monday, February 1, 2010

I losted my anglish writeing skills becose i deednt go schol 4 a very long time.


Anyway, like i said, i won't be posting much.
However, i seem to get over Online gaming now.

So, i'll post this picture for you guys.

It's called, have fun while you can, because it won't last long.
Lol, naw. I just posted that because it looks good. (:

There seems to be another Photography competition in school again. I wonder if i can join, but it seems so troublesome having to take 6 in a profile and with different ideas and stuff.

Recalling back on afew days ago.
Roy and i were playing in the arcade that day. Street basketball. Was very thrilling, don't know why though. However, we got bored eventually and went to CDANs for Bowling.

Bowling was fun. We discovered how to actually DO SOMETHING cool, yaw. And it is actually useful and we manage to knock down 8-9 every time. Followed by spare. No strikes though, we weren't professionals.

So anyway, i'll like to go bowling. Anyone reading this and interested, contact me on MSN or SMS. Thanks.

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