Saturday, February 28, 2009

Okay, delay delay and more delay

Shinju, the temperamental and unpredictable.

If i'm not wrong.
My mommy said: '' Ohh honey, about your handphone, i think i'll just buy you a new one.''
Was said 6 months ago.

Now :
My mommy said : ''Ohh honey, about your handphone, i think i'll just buy next time.''

Wonder how long does she wants to delay more..

Sighs, maybe i'll go buy one myself !

Sooo bored.
Tried DotA seriously for the first time !
And i was bored l:

Currenly trying out all the heros to see which suits me.
Hmm, can't manage to beat the AI on 4v4 and above.

Will continue to try after CT1 !
Who wants to meet up and do some studying 2morrow ? :D

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